Thursday, May 3, 2012


Our beautiful third great-granddaughter arrived on 26 April and she is really gorgeous and all the family adore her, especially her big sister which is wonderful.

My daughter, whose blog many of you read constantly, has already published the story of AJ's arrival with much better photos than I can publish with my little digital camera but I did my best and I really like this snap of AJ and her lovely mum.

The baby was 9 lbs 4 ozs and 56 cms long which is 22 inches long (a combination of old and new measurements there cos I'm an oldie) so she is very well proportioned.

MOH and I have popped over to the hospital a couple of times to share special time with the family and it felt good to have 4 generations all together there in the room.  Great-grandma, grandma, mother and baby (not forgetting AJ's sister of course).

We saw a lot of our #1 great-granddaughter from when she was a wee baby and a toddler and beyond but with #2 great-granddaughter who was born in Sydney we only saw her briefly when they were able to fly over to Perth for a visit although we have seen her more frequently now they live permanently in W.A.

We are hoping that we will be able to see much more of AJ while she is still tiny if her parents will allow us to pop in occasionally for a visit and I am sure they will be quite happy for us to do so.

AJ's mum has asked me to crochet a granny square cushion cover to go in the nursery so I am back to crocheting again and enjoying it.  I can only do a wee bit at a time because of my silly achy hands but I will soon have it done.  It's amazing how good one feel as one ages to be asked to do something such as this.  I only hope when it is finished that it will look as good as the one I was shown on the internet.

MOH and I welcome the latest member of our quite small family with open arms and much love.  To her wonderful parents....thank you.


  1. That's a gorgeous photo Mum. Hopefully if everyone is well we can all catch up on Mother's Day and you will get some more cuddles. xxx

  2. Oh no, I've just noticed my comment has vanished. Congratulations on your family's newest arrival - what a beautiful photo. x

  3. Our newest arrival is now over 7 weeks old and still no cuddles. Her big sister and her dad both had colds and her mum wasn't well and very, very tired. Now the bahy has a head cold so we are not allowed to visit as we oldies might get sick. I am grateful that we are cared for in that way. Hopefully it won't be long before we see the little family again.
